Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Social Media Revolution

This is the best video that I have come across that explains social media; how quickly communication of information is traveling and why you should hop on board before it passes you by!!!!!!!

Donald Robichaud


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Life=Risk * Motivation


Friday, September 11, 2009

Viral marketing - The Evian Babies

This video went viral and was viewed by over 8 million people.... Check out the link and video below.

Donald Robichaud
Floodlight Consulting


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Social Media Marketing 101 by Perry Belcher


Friday, July 3, 2009

How To Rapidly Grow Your Blog Traffic by Yaro Stark


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spending money on technology is an investment, not a cost for business.

Technology enhances business!!

In the latest Microsoft TV commercial Sean Durfy, President and CEO of WestJet, is asked “how do you keep your vision alive?” He says with 7500 employees all over the US and Canada, “we can’t look at everybody’s eyes anymore. We now look at technology as a strategic driver of the company. If you don’t have that, you’re screwed brother”. Wise words!!!!

In today’s business climate, the business owner must understand technology and use it to their advantage to improve efficiencies and even expand operations. However, the use of technology should be balanced with your specific business needs.

Technology allows your business to reach a worldwide audience, yet many business owners take a very short-sighted look at their daily operations and how it affects their business model.
Let’s take a look at some of the basic technology tools to enhance your business activities, and that with a little planning, will take your business to the next level.

Your Computers: I recently purchased a Lenovo laptop and I am very pleased with its performance and it uses less energy than a desktop computer. Today's laptops are right on the heels of desktops when it comes to power and performance, and remember, you can’t beat the convenience. Being stuck in an airport for three hours in Vancouver can become a real pain, but with a laptop you are still connected and productive.

Backup Solutions: It always amazes me how business owners will spend thousands of dollars entertaining their clients but they won’t spend the money to back up their client’s data. Costs of hard drives and backup solutions are at an all time low, so protect your business. The losses of your core data will cripple your business for weeks and possibly end your relationship with your client.

Software: The most cost-effective time to buy software is at the time of your computer purchase. Microsoft and many other software providers offer great incentives and lower cost solutions at time of purchase, which in the long run will save you hundreds of dollars. The appropriate software will enhance your total operation.

Printing Solutions: Today there are many colour laser solutions that truly can enhance all your printed presentations. Company’s like Xerox and others offer an array of solutions for your business needs. I moved to a colour laser two years ago and recouped my investment in less than 4 months with better looking proposals and less time driving to the print shop.

Connectivity: I love the wireless age. It allows me to be mobile and stay in touch with my clients. I enjoy the convenience of sitting on my deck at home and being connected with my clients. I meet my clients at restaurants and coffee shops that offer a wireless service. For a few extra dollars a month your service provider will offer great bundle packages that will enhance your business, office, your home and your mobile experience which will take your business to the next level.

VOIP- (Voice over IP) Small- and medium-sized businesses have perhaps the most to gain from the explosion of new VOIP services. In one move, businesses can outsource their communications, doing away with clunky, on-site PBX equipment and reduce their monthly phone bills. For home business, Skype allows you to reach your clients throughout the world at a very low cost..... It’s free.

Training: So you have all this technology. Now what do you do? People always ask me “How did you learn all this technology?” I educated myself. Over the last twenty years I upgraded my skills by taking training courses on various programs like Microsoft Outlook. The investment has increased my knowledge, skills and competencies and helped to increase productivity and performance, while giving me more control over my decision-making process for my business.

Value added resellers - I like to browse the latest technology at the retail stores and ask about the products, but that is as far as I go. When I am making technology business decisions I like to engage the services of a Value Added Reseller, like
Voda Computer Systems locally, and others who will have firsthand knowledge of the best solution for my business needs. They also have knowledge of the best ways to keep my equipment running efficiently and they offer support plans to keep it operating for years to come.

You may be a small or mid-sized business but that doesn’t mean that you have to operate the business as if you are back in the Stone Age.

Get with it.

The key to a successful business is to do it faster and better – so use Technology to “Build Your Business”.


Donald Robichaud /President

FloodLight Consulting


As posted on Castanet:


Monday, March 9, 2009

Excellent video of Seth Godin discussing his book Tribes


Sunday, March 8, 2009

A conversation with Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google by Charlie Rose


Why do I book back to back meetings?


Imagine a World where your life is your own!!!!


Are you late for your meetings....again? Get your life back!!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

FloodLight Google Analytics 101 Bounce Rate: The Simply Powerful Metric

This is a best explanation I have come across which explains what to look for in Google Analytics.
Very Powerful!!

He makes a very subtle distinction.

We spend too much time on our home page and not enough ensuring that our other webpage’s are doing the heavy lifting for us for us.

Donald Robichaud
President / FloodLight Consulting


Monday, January 19, 2009

Online Kelowna Outlook Training

Who Should Attend

Workgroups and teams including managers, technical and sales professionals, supervisors,administrators and project leaders who currently use Microsoft Outlook, and are not optimizing this powerful software.

This is the workshop Microsoft chose when they wanted to train their employees how to use Outlook more effectively.

FloodLight Kelowna Social Network Canada

Kelowna - Business Coach - Marketing Consultant - Speaker